This should've been whistled....really...
Simply because the audio to this is stolen without user permission.
As for the flash, well....HOW LAZY ARE YOU?!? There aren't even any graphics - to be honest, my little brother could've created this flash in a matter of minutes. All this is is just a bunch of text fades - fuck, the text isn't even customized!!!!!
I'm glad this isn't scoring as well as your other submissions (which are also just recycled "celebrity-rumor-based" garbage) - but then again, and forgive me for sounding n00bish but THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN BLAMMED.
I bet you if i did this exact flash myself and submitted it under my own name, it would've failed to pass judgement with a score of 0.63 or something.
So, why did this pass you's simple really - because Zipperfish made it. What a biased place the Newgrounds Flash Portal is eh?