zomg i lub GTA!!!
after having watched IWP grabbing frontpage AGAIN, i was not a happy bunny. So i thought i'd check out this weeks TOTW....
And this flash turned my frown........ :(
Upside down........ :)
Good job guys! :)
zomg i lub GTA!!!
after having watched IWP grabbing frontpage AGAIN, i was not a happy bunny. So i thought i'd check out this weeks TOTW....
And this flash turned my frown........ :(
Upside down........ :)
Good job guys! :)
Glad to know we could have been of service, ol bean.
Very clever. Who'da thought it...."Aunt Pearls' Small Blouse".....
This MAY get blammed due to lack of graphics, but i sure hope it doesnt.
3'd! =)
w00t, that was damn unexpected =D
If all hentai was like that, the world would be a better place ^_^
Only one word can sum up this awesome film....
Great work Glawks, fifen'd!
Awesome work TremgladClock! Very funny stuff =p
A fabulous animutation all about NG's latest icon - The Three Headed Rolf!
This had everything! German Punk music (what was that song called by the way), Sprites, Domo-kun, Piclownjew and Mr T in a Peanut suit, amongst much more!
Seriously underrated this is, n00bs....pull your heads out of your asses and fifen this NOW!
I did, and now i am 100% guaranteed to go to heaven when my time is up!
Interesting idea but needed more thought....
Basically all this is is A smooshy mixup of 2 of the internet's most famous icons - Weebl & Bob, and Salad Fingers, both of which have changed the face of flash cartoonery as we know it!
This parody was alright! But somehow it lacked thought and effort.
The background is ripped from "Salad Fingers" (jpeg Artifacts in the image give it away, and you said yourself in the credits) and the dialogue is just ripped from Episode 1 of Weebl and Bob - entitled "pie".
Are you allowed to do that? There's always the risk of copyright which doesn't allow anyone to take other people's work and mash it all up to make your own, The characters, backgrounds and published dialogue from the flash could be copyrighted. Unless you asked permission, which if you did and they allowed it then that's cool! =)
You did do some artwork though i noticed! You drew the Salad-Weebl hybrid, and Hubert-Cumberdale-Bob....so that's good!
Overall, it was so-so. The parody looked promising from the title, but lacked effort.
yeh i know what you mean, but it does say on the credits - all art drawn by angry tubby *and heres the bit you must of missed* - (cept the ackground)
Ehhh up....what's all this 'en...?
Jew Jihad eh? Another split in the Newgrounds religion. First Clocks, then Locks, then Glocks and now JEWS??!?!?!?!?
I welcome you folks, and you all animate well, and choose good music for the menu! So i'm happy! Welcome Jews!
Angels make these kind of movies in heaven you know!
Awesome job, and Scatman John just raised the score even higher. Bless your soul!
Joined on 1/10/05