Great job! I had a feeling somebody would take this p*ss out of T_C because of her novel-like reviews. She has too much time on her hands! XD
~T_C has just been pwned by StrangeClock =p
Great job! I had a feeling somebody would take this p*ss out of T_C because of her novel-like reviews. She has too much time on her hands! XD
~T_C has just been pwned by StrangeClock =p
Wicked! =D
Great collab guys, you were all good, although I reckon AlbinoClock's flash was the pick of the litter here =p
I absolutely love it! Well done all members of this collab, you should feel proud of yourselves! Fifen'd + added to favs :-D
Alright!!!! :-)
God i hate foamy (especially after i found out another movie starring him made frontpage again). And what better way to see him (and illwillpress) be humiliated than to have foamy bloodily sh*t out and thrown down the stairs.
Kudos to you Cannibus_clock! =)
heh, thanks man :D
man this was hilarious!! the story of wade had to be the best one!! XD
great job
p.s. thanks for hiding goatse with the >:( face
Cool XD
That was a slick FBF man. Slightly fast, but still damn good.
Hehe XD
Cute at first - Funny at the end! :-)
Nice work!
Wicked ^_^
Happy Star Day HHGC! And what a great way to celebrate by blowing up a Foamy army.
Glad you enjoyed it :)
Sounds promising. I look forward to it!
Not exactly the most original idea
But i haven't seen someone attempt it on NG before.
If there need to be any improvements. You need to have different music, its Damn Annoying!!! And also he needs a selection of hats :-O
Add a couple of easter eggs too here and there.
Kudos for trying =)
Joined on 1/10/05